International Academy OF Physical Therapy Research

The International Association of Physical Therapy promotes research and encourages fellowship,
in order to contribute towards the development of physiotherapy through application of new and
innovative foreign and domestic technologies.



No. Title Name File View Date
[Notice] JIAPTR bibliographic information database notice IAPTR 파일다운로드 6497 2020-03-09
[Notice] JIAPTR submission template IAPTR 파일다운로드 9332 2020-03-06
[Notice] 국제물리치료연구학회 논문집(JIAPTR) 2016년 가을호 원고 모집 안내 IAPTR 파일다운로드 6078 2016-09-07
2 JIAPTR Best Paper Award(Vol.8, Issue 4) IAPTR 2528 2018-03-16
1 International Academy of Physical Therapy Research IAPTR 4120 2016-03-24